Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Walang Forever, All Things Have Come To An End

Everything has its beginning and an end. Whether these beginnings and ends are known or not.  The principle of Life and Death is a cycle where we can clearly see an example of a beginning and an end, and an example of nonexistence of the material meaning of "forever".

In which these phenomena impossible for people to escape. Death, the end of the cycle is the most hardly acceptable occurrences in the life of every living being here on earth, because we can't accept the fact that we can no longer experience everything that we have while we are still living. We also can't accept the fact that we have still unfinished business here on earth. Even though our business here on earth is done, we still force ourselves, unknowingly "to create business" here in the world of the living. However, we may never know if our business here on Earth is done or not.

But between life and death of a human, people are dying to work for a living. The ironic contrast where most of the people are currently living in. In the course of our stay here on earth, we live to attain the Maslow 's hierarchy of needs, before even we meet the end of the cycle. Unfortunately, many of us can't even attain the second level of the hierarchy, and many are even dying just to attain the primary level.

As a rational being, it is in our instinct and in our thinking that we must work to live, in order to put something inside of our rumbling stomach. Yet it does not all end in working to have food, there are still other physiological needs to be filled in order for us to live normally such as shelter, water, and electricity.

These basic factors of the Maslow's Hierarchy primary level, people are dying to work in order to attain these and survive. What more if they work in education, transportation, and communication needs?

We as a human being has our own goals and aspirations in life. We experience all kinds of emotions such as stress, sorrow and hopelessness in order just to reach those goals and aspirations, aside from experiencing the same stress in order for us to provide our personal needs.

Why do we work hard? Get stressed in life and endure all kinds of negative emotions, if we will die anyway?

Why do we need to suffer in surviving life and in attaining our wants, if we will all end as a corpse lying six feet below the ground.

We will all end as a fertilizer or a dust enclosed in the jar.

We may end as a corpse lying in a mansion, or we may end as a corpse weighted under the river.

Last all souls day, I visited our ancestral cemetery in the La Loma Cemetery, one of the oldest Catholic cemetery in the Philippines. Some of the remains in that cemetery have been buried since the time of the Spanish occupation dated since 1800's. Up to this date some of them are intact, and some of them, unfortunately, have been buried by time and dirt seeing no trace of remains being buried underneath. Knowing that these cadavers in the past, are prominent and powerful people during their time, since the La Loma Cemetery is a resting place for the rich and powerful during that time. But, what happened after years have passed? There are no signs that the remains underneath this tomb is a rich and powerful man, it seems that their caretakers and relatives have passed away and there is no one for it to take care of their graves.

We can see here that no matter how rich and powerful you are, no matter how famous you are, in the end you will die and will be forgotten by time.

However, if you live your life happy and doing what your heart wants, even if you die today you will not regret and you will not worry.

Some of us may have a good and high paying job, that can support and provide our material needs and wants. Yet, they are not happy since they have not done what they really want and love. They've done their job for the sake of living comfortably and luxuriously.

Lastly, if you have done what you really want and love, furthermore, if you shared these good things that you love others. You will die happily, worry free and you will live forever in the hearts and minds of the love ones you left here on Earth.