Sunday, April 20, 2014

Words from The Man with the Minion Moves

Photo above is a toy minion with an autograph of Emman Monfort which is a give away to us who interviewed him. 
Basketball is a kind of sport that is suited for tall and gigantic kind of species. Where in this world height is might  which means height is an advantage.

Well those sterotypical comments about Basketball are broken by the smallest player in PBA (Philippine Basketball Association), Emman Monfort #6 of Barangay Ginebra San Miguel.

Being the smallest player in the league is not a disadvantage for him, in fact it is an advantage for him in form of a challenge "If you think yourself as an underdog you will work harder..." and "You will succeed if you
work hard" Monfort said in an interview.

However, "If there are failures na dadating sa buhay mo it's not the end of the world" Monfort said. Failure is not yet the end of the world, when a door closes for you there will always be window that will open for you.

Lastly, Emman Monfort gave a short word on how to treat women "Just be sweet to them and be sensitive to them"

These are excerpts from the article that was included in our Magazine project and was passed in our Magazine writing subject.

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